Saturday, June 03, 2006

Has anyone noticed how used we have become to all these supposed 'hits' that use another song's music. SO many songs now that it's apparently 'cool', but no way. Although the owners of the original song probably rake it in, from a creative sense it's just a blatant rip-off. All you need is to find a song that no-one else has done it to and make up a new melody- oh with a rap-etc. feel, of course.

Hearing that new one with 'Tainted Love' splashed all over it just makes me cringe (eventhough I hate the original song anyway!), and the Rouge Rip-off Merchants- My Sharona? Not yours at all! Give me a break!

Vanilla Ice, you have a lot of explaining to do!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Finishing up some long-sevice leave. Ah, bliss, doing no-thing.
Been riding, been sweeping, been ripping, been wiping.
Coming up with a few song-bits for nu-tunes.

At the mo' listening to:
Siberia- Echo and the Bunnymen
Back With Two Beasts- The Church
Alphabravocharlie...- The Models (neat early stuff)
Isidore- by Isidore

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Terrapin has just been released!
An old Zoids tune, with a very strange guitar solo, mmmm!

Listen (hi-fi)

Ciao, Ade.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Yes, finally I've got back into recording again!
'Sludge' is first cab off the ranks - an old Zoids tune.
Expect 'Naked' to be released soon.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Top 10 Downloads: Her Garden: April 2005

1. What Tomorrow Brings
2. Trampoline
3. 1000 Things
4. Waterfall
5. Love You
6. Your Latest Novel
7. Twister
8. Venus Fly
9. Hanging Garden
10. Lysogenic Phage

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Crickey! I just have time to blog-on! Who wants to read drivel anyway? I could talk for years about ME, go on and on and on and on, but so what!?
Anyone got anything interesting to say that's not about me, mail me at
I'd be very glad to read someone else's drivel! :)

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Hiya and welcome to Ade's blurb. Times are busy and my nappy wiping hand sure needs servicing. Fwoo!
Just updated my band site (Pogo)
Have a look!!
Catch u soon.